The film follows the story two men, played by Bovi and Chidi Mokeme, as they plot a get-rich-quick scheme. However,...
Read moreWhen a man begins to use his powers for criminal activities, threatening the lives of citizens, his downfall becomes imminent...
Read moreAll roads lead to Iperindo as the town prepares for the wedding of Tumi and Jeje, but is this the...
Read moreThe film is set in the 18th-century Oyo Empire. An Egba farmer ignites a rebellion against the oppressive Oyo Empire,...
Read moreA small-time thief inadvertently steals a car with an 8-year-old boy in the backseat. DOWNLOAD
Read moreAn ex-car smuggler is given three hours to deliver a government official’s daughter to her captor – or else his...
Read moreA ruthless Prime Minister desperate for revenge ferociously rises to power, stopping at nothing to become more powerful than the...
Read moreA story of affection between a couple and their love being put to a test. Would they be able to...
Read moreWorking undercover as a sex worker in Nigeria, a young journalist out to expose corruption fights for her life as...
Read moreOloture is the story of a young, naive Nigerian journalist who goes undercover to expose the shady underworld of human...
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